Visa Salt Lake 2002 Olympic Games
Screen Design
Since 1986, Visa has been a leading sponsor of the Olympic Games, holding exclusive rights in the payment services category as an official worldwide partner. To strengthen awareness and recognition of its longstanding partnership with the Olympics, Visa has continuously developed and expanded its commitment to the global sporting event. This collaboration reinforces Visa’s broad acceptance and enhances its brand image.
During the event, Visa saw a 20% increase in card usage compared to previous Olympics.

marchFIRST was chosen to create a consistent visual identity for the 2002 Salt Lake Winter Olympics across all venues. The design, featuring Visa-sponsored athletes, was applied to over 250 components, including Hospitality, Environmental/Retail, and ATM Programs.
Themed materials—signs, lights, banners, uniforms, and more — were placed in select venues to welcome VIP guests from all over the world. Decorative yet functional, these materials set the stage for an inspirational and unforgettable 2002 Olympic Winter Games.

Hospitality Program
The Hospitality Program hosted four groups of Visa guests. Two hotels were decorated with Visa-branded Olympic materials, and a renovated carriage house and Visitors Information Center were created for events. Visa guests received branded duffle bags filled with cold-weather gear and accessories in their hotel rooms.

Retail & Environmental Program
The Environmental/Retail Program featured various Visa-branded items, including sculptural banners and a popular “gift-with-purchase Olympic pin promotion.” Most major retail locations in and around Salt Lake City took part, decorating malls, stores, and streets with Visa Olympic materials. Many items were stolen during the event, suggesting the high value of the Visa logo.

ATM Program
The ATM Program included custom-designed permanent ATMs at major Olympic sites and mobile ATM vehicles for smaller events around Salt Lake City. ATM screens featured footage from Visa’s ad campaign, maintaining the same look and feel throughout the user experience. After each transaction, receipts promoted the “Visa gift-with-purchase Olympic pin promotion” with details on participating retail locations.